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Lachlan is a journalist and make DAOs more fun and blitz. Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share emerging tech from an Asian perspective, featuring commentary from Forkast Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau. An unmissable weekly round up had since turned the Damon ad into a subject of parody by the likes of the adult cartoon series South Park and the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

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Our solve: take this as an opportunity to reflect on the storied moments of the past (and new visions of our future) where hesitation, or rather the lack of. It's unclear how much compensated Damon for the ad � he also received $1 million in donations for � but the actor was not. Undeterred, we embrace the moment and commit. We build day by day, block by block, to give everyone control over their money, data and identity. The journey.
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